HiDn You're funny I agree with Sarge & biggT ... If you want to focus on strength I would (1) EAT for it & (2) train for it (restructure your workout to work for that goal). If you want to keep fat gain to a minimum you already know that's generally all diet.
You can use the size you have now to help you get to where you want to with strength gains. But do NOT flip out if there is some scale bumpage as well. If you don't want to be bloated & feel full (then get depressed or something), gradually increase the cals every other day or weekly, not all at once.
Some things T touched on ... if I do Flatbench I'll also do Incline Flyes as well, instead of Incline BB ... and do eccentric holds with the DBs ... the variety makes it better in my opinion but I also have different goals. I don't do them to shape, nothing TO shape lol hahaha
Anyway, I would watch the form on dips if you add them in, I mean no cheating & going down too far etc... Use the assisted dip machine if you have to. I've seen 3 guys own themselves from doing unassisted bodyweight dips ... I don't care if the handles are 'in' , they eff'd up themselves that way too from improper technique.
What ya think about doing a little strength cycle?
You can use the size you have now to help you get to where you want to with strength gains. But do NOT flip out if there is some scale bumpage as well. If you don't want to be bloated & feel full (then get depressed or something), gradually increase the cals every other day or weekly, not all at once.
Some things T touched on ... if I do Flatbench I'll also do Incline Flyes as well, instead of Incline BB ... and do eccentric holds with the DBs ... the variety makes it better in my opinion but I also have different goals. I don't do them to shape, nothing TO shape lol hahaha
Anyway, I would watch the form on dips if you add them in, I mean no cheating & going down too far etc... Use the assisted dip machine if you have to. I've seen 3 guys own themselves from doing unassisted bodyweight dips ... I don't care if the handles are 'in' , they eff'd up themselves that way too from improper technique.
What ya think about doing a little strength cycle?