Bench Press: 1 RM - 290, 5 RM – 250 5X115(4½), 5X180(9½), 14X115(8), 12X165(9½), 8X215(10). I had hurt my right shoulder while mowing the lawn the other night (don’t ask). I thought I was over it, but on my second set it flared up. Lowered the weight & repped out for a coupla sets.
Barbell Rows: 1 RM - 210, 5 RM – 190 5X85(4½), 5X135(8), 5X190(10), 5X190(10), 4X190(10). Second week here. Next week I better get this!!!!! kaioken:
Synopsis Kinda sucked today. I was leaving more time in between workouts for recovery, but I think 3 days may be too much.
My goal with this is to work up to a steady state 6.0 mph for as long as I can. Back in the day I ran 1½ miles in 9 minutes (I think). That was my time when I left basic training. Passing was 12 minutes, or 8mph. Later I was able to regularly run 10k in 1 hr, which is 6.0 mph.
Treadmill: 50minutes, Incline 3.0, Speed 2.5 & 6.5 mph. 3½ minutes first sprint. Walked ‘til H.R. dropped under 130. Today was 18:55 and freeegin tough. Thought I was gonna heave. H.R. 97 - 173
After 1½ mile trial, I tried walking at 3 mph, incline 5.0. Gradually inclined up to 10.0 deg.
Minutes 25 – 30 I slowly lowered the incline & sped up.
Minutes 30 – 45, intervals. 2.0 deg & 6.5 mph. Every interval increased by .2 mph, to a high of 7.9.
No endurance today. I hit 164 bpm hr on the first interval, which is unusual. Dunno why. Could be because at work I was running around like a demon all day. Treadmill was 655 cals. Total for tha day, 815 cals.
1½ mile time progression: first target is 15 minutes.
16.4.07, 21:35
18.4.07, 20:40
23.4.07, 18:35
27.4.07, 18:20
30.4.07, 17:10
4.5.07, 17:01
8.5.07, 16:25
14.5.07, 18:55
Some calf cramping. Everything else seemed OK. Just no endurance
5.0 litres of water.
Another interesting note. My wife says my face is all splotchy, as if I was vomiting, or something. Umm, the only hting I can think of was doing my 335 squats yesterday I had to push pretty fricken hard to get 'em. Maybe I pushed a leeeeetle too hard.
Dead Lift: 1 RM - 445, 5 RM – 390 5X185(5), 5X285(8½), 5X390(10), 4X390(10), 4X390(10). Yaaahh!! New 5 RM, reset 1 RM, and a PR, again! I made a “mistake” here and went to 190 instead of 185. Ooops.
Standing Press: 1 RM - 160, 5 RM – 140 5X60(4½), 5X100(8), 5X132½(10), 5X132½(10), 5X132½(10). Got em. Movin up next week. This is friggin tough. Honestly, I don’t know where I got the 140lb 5RM from. I’m so far off, I must have made a mistake when I wrote it down.
Pull Downs, Wide Grip: 1 RM - 180, 5 RM – 160 5X75(4½), 5X120(8), 5X160(10), 5X160(10), 4X180(10). Tied my 5RM. Movin up next week
Synopsis Grrrrrreat workout. New 5 RM & PR. Water 4½ litres