I think her form is all wrong. She`s got ALOT to learn. The bar is too far in front of her and she rocks back and forth while moving the bar (about 150pounds) but never gets it off the floor! Tries too many attempts in a row without long enough rest.
Her frustration is evident but won`t really listen to advise. I guess she`s "in the zone" and blocks out all other distractions. She`s 11 months old. Any tips?
Hey it`s Friday night and I`m bored. lol I have it on tape but don`t know how to post it, or else I would. it`s funny. Grunting and all. lol
Her frustration is evident but won`t really listen to advise. I guess she`s "in the zone" and blocks out all other distractions. She`s 11 months old. Any tips?
Hey it`s Friday night and I`m bored. lol I have it on tape but don`t know how to post it, or else I would. it`s funny. Grunting and all. lol