New member
OK Gals what do I do ?
I finally threw out my pretty pink 8 lb. dumbells & got me a barbell & dumbell 160 pound weight set.
I really want to add a lot of muscle & bulk my shoulders so I tried going up to 12 lbs. for the 1st. time to do side lateral lifts. I barely could lift it up.
So I scaled down to 10 lbs. & was able to do 12 reps 3 sets. I know 10 lbs. won't give me the shoulder results I want. What do I do ? ? ?
I have a few more questions. Please answer please :
1) I want to develop chest muscles. I did chest presses & flyes with 30 lb. dumbells & was only able to do 3 sets of 8 reps before I struggled to get out the last rep. Is the the way to go to build muscle ? HEAVY WEIGHT, LOW REPS ?
2) Once you stsrt lifting a heavier weight when do you notice a difference in muscle size ?
3) and finally, I can lift more weight doing my front raises than my side lats. but I was wondering can i do my front raises with a barbell too ?
Thanks everyone !!!
I finally threw out my pretty pink 8 lb. dumbells & got me a barbell & dumbell 160 pound weight set.
I really want to add a lot of muscle & bulk my shoulders so I tried going up to 12 lbs. for the 1st. time to do side lateral lifts. I barely could lift it up.
So I scaled down to 10 lbs. & was able to do 12 reps 3 sets. I know 10 lbs. won't give me the shoulder results I want. What do I do ? ? ?
I have a few more questions. Please answer please :
1) I want to develop chest muscles. I did chest presses & flyes with 30 lb. dumbells & was only able to do 3 sets of 8 reps before I struggled to get out the last rep. Is the the way to go to build muscle ? HEAVY WEIGHT, LOW REPS ?
2) Once you stsrt lifting a heavier weight when do you notice a difference in muscle size ?
3) and finally, I can lift more weight doing my front raises than my side lats. but I was wondering can i do my front raises with a barbell too ?
Thanks everyone !!!