Hey Guys, hella of a week, but no days missed training and diet is on point. Here is a brief note from last Monday;
After my 15 seconds of fame in the gym last week following my 405 pound squat I was still feeling pretty strong. Pressing 335 pounds on decline bench the next day a couple of my gym friends had had just about enough, giving me a little pout action, so I went out of my way to spot them on lifts and generally be encouraging. It would appear all is forgiven as it was smiles all around this morning.
This is such an improvement in my overall life condition. There was a time I viewed everyone in the gym as competition and drove myself with the desire to beat, or "show them". It is so much easier and enjoyable just trying to be myself, rather than all those learned behaviors. Thank you Buddhism.
Coming up on the end of this cycle, this will be the last week before dialing back to a 200mg Test e cruise. Of course, 2 weeks, and then the full PCT I noted at the beginning of this thread. I am going to be using HCGenerate as part of my PCT, and will add this to the title of this thread in order to give the heads up to any Bro's not subbed yet. I am absolutely determined to take my training and diet to an even more focused level in order to help maintain my gains, and get the most out of every supplement I will be utilizing.
Libido is an important subject for me and it is going to be interesting to see and feel how the HCGenerate impacts this through the 4 week PCT. I will run this thread right through my bloods 6, and then 10 weeks out, as this is another area we can see the effectiveness of my PCT product choices.
I'm hovering around 230 pounds and my abs are still visible. Diet, check; Training, check; Looks like I'm ready to really get started.