Abuse is abuse, I don't care if it is the man or the woman or in the case of gay couples - either party. Gender doesn't mean diddly. ABUSE IS ABUSE IS ABUSE IS ABUSE.
If someone puts their hands on you, calls you names, tries to control ANY aspect of your life, tears you down, blames THEIR behavior on you.... THEY DONT LOVE YOU - THEY ARE ABUSIVE.
There is no amount of *you loving them* that will ever ever EVER change this.
My exhusband was emotionally and verbally abusive for 13 years until he beat me to the ground, then I kicked his ass out. Course he continued to use the family court system to abuse me for the next 8 years.... but that is another story.
I had a bf that I loved very much. He was bi-polar MESS. He REALLY messed with my head. For the longest time I blamed myself, as if his point of view had ANYTHING to do with me.
YEARS OF THERAPY helped me to see what was wrong WITH ME that I kept attracting these people into my life. It was all I knew as I was raised by abusive parents who told me that I would never amount to anything and that after men were tired of my sex they would throw me away like an old worn shoe (thanx mom)... exactly the way my girls are now being raised by their POS father. Took me A LONG TIME to break free of that *comfort zone*. Now I don't tolerate any sort of abusive behavior from ANYONE - husband, co-worker, or stranger in the line as the grocery store. NO ONE is allowed to make me feel badly for any reason.
Once you fix your head, trust me, you will see a whole different group of people gravitating towards you (they could have been there all along but you chose to push them away perhaps) and you will be able to see the abusers a miiiiiiiiiiiiile away.
Good luck.
Fix yourself and the rest will fall into place. I promise you.