IP, Dh forgot
to get me a present, or a card for that matter.
I was a little disappointed since i always make sure he or whoever gets gifts, bday cake, candles, the works. Just another day
Didn't even get a call from the MIL but she's a witch anyway! That's no suprise there. I didn't expect a gift from her that's for sure, she didn't even get dh one. IF you're wondering, No she doesn't live out of town, bout 5 min. from us.
Didn't finish yesterdays log...
m5: 2 pieces cheese pizza
and broc/cauliflower.
Before bed: 1 tsp anpb, 1 serving triscuits l/f
Today: m1: 1/2 oats, pro shake (2 berries, 1/2 c. lightnfit yogurt)
m2: 15 almonds