.. Keep in mind, WE ALL SLIP UP ... do not feel bad or afraid to post .. if you're busy, it's all good, we KNOW you have a life If you need a , then TELL US.
If you need a friend ... we are here
If you need to laugh? Well, these gals are just as friggin nuts as I am ...
GREAT JOB on getting back gf... one day, one step, one BITE at a time
m4: 2 chicken tenders (boneless, skinless breast meat) prepared by me
1 c. spinach, 3-4 oz sweet potato, diet pepsi
also ate 2 triscuits while preparing dinner.
shoulder press
3/12 10 lb dbs
upright row
3/12 same
side raises
3/12 8lb dbs
front raises
3/12 same
bi curls
3/12 10 lb dbs
tri ext lying
3/12 8lbs dbs
hammer curls
3/12 10 lb dbs
french press
3/12 used 1 adj.db.= bout 13-14lbs i'd guess
Didn't feel as strong tonight, backed down a little on the weights as compared to last time. A little time off really screws up the progress.
m1; pro shake w/ 1/2 c. yogurt, and 2 strawberries, 1/2 c. oats
I felt really good last night and this morning. NOt overly tired as I'd been lately. I have a feeling though there may be a cheat today. I'm planning on going out to lunch w/ dh today for my birthday, so I know i'll probably go off plan a little.