S Spartacus Guest Feb 13, 2006 #12 #1 Uconn at #4 Villanova tonight on ESPN 100000 limit http://www.elitefitness.com/forum/showthread.php?t=459167
#1 Uconn at #4 Villanova tonight on ESPN 100000 limit http://www.elitefitness.com/forum/showthread.php?t=459167
fistfullofsteel Well-known member Feb 13, 2006 #14 it's so cruel. this is why valentines is right around the corner. they know they have guys by the balls once football is over and now we have to start paying attention to women until next season starts.
it's so cruel. this is why valentines is right around the corner. they know they have guys by the balls once football is over and now we have to start paying attention to women until next season starts.
SoreArms New member Feb 13, 2006 #16 Pitchers and Catchers in three days, can't wait! I'll be in Phoenix this weekend, gonna try to hit up some of the spring training sites and heckle some mothafackas.
Pitchers and Catchers in three days, can't wait! I'll be in Phoenix this weekend, gonna try to hit up some of the spring training sites and heckle some mothafackas.
Lestat MVP EF VIP Feb 13, 2006 #18 March Madness will tide me over for another month but after that it really sucks until NFL starts back up
March Madness will tide me over for another month but after that it really sucks until NFL starts back up
PICK3 New member Feb 13, 2006 #19 Handling the end of football season pretty well, but my crystal meth withdrawals ... well that's another story.
Handling the end of football season pretty well, but my crystal meth withdrawals ... well that's another story.