LOL Melliza!!! I meant heavy as in tired...not thick...whatever...

Well agaim it was a grueling 15 minute ride on the summit...I tried all types of workouts trying to see which one was "lighter" less resistance...and found it negative...even the fat burn is tough...maybe I need to change soemthing...I thought it would be as easy as the normal elliptical...but wham bang...I did it on manual level 3...I feel them burn now...tough luck they have to get used to it somehow...that's what I get for being away as a nurse...

Nah, I had a sweet reward today...
BF was away on ironman trip with friends...near TSO's terrain...
He brought me back 3 Pique Izod sleeveless polos for Golf (XS) pink white and blue... and 2 Microfiber Izod Shorts for golf too...One balck, one white...size 2.
I thought I was not going to fit in them...I was afraid to try thrm on in front of him...anyone know what I mean?
After so long from not working out...I feel soft bottom always top is not that bad...
So I did fit..fiu!!!
I am happy because....He knew my size!!!
His Friends were amazed, they had no clue of their wives...
Ok he is napping now, I just had an eggwhite omelette for lunch with one slice of kraft singles american was like heaven...