Thanks! I have been trying to eat more but I'm only at 184 pounds in shoes so I've lost a lot. I think the morning pt and schedule has been getting to me. I am getting in great shape thought at least. So do you think I should attempt 220x5 on wed like the routine says or no?
Hey buddy, when you stall you can try to increase reps instead of 5lbs each week. Like ghettostudmuffin said, 5lb weekly increases are pretty quick. So you got 220x3. Try for at least 220x4 next workout. You may just have had a bad workout.
Bench (put bench first today, helped big time)
220x5 yes!
DB row
gym closed so I didnt even get top 2 sets
Comments: Great workout on bench, can't believe I got 220x5! The thing is I had a terrible day, hardly any sleep, hard morning pt, and still did good even though I missed lunch
So I ran out of time for military press. I used the wrong bar and it had zero grip on it, so I had to use straps after the 3 reps which is why I didnt get a straight 5. Got blood all over the straps though
when I click on that link it comes up with the image southernlord posted of his thumb after the high volume deadlift session. It comes up with a picture the same as the second image of the first post in his thread that he made....
lol haha! They have these power clean bars and I decided to use them for the day....bad choice. Not only could I not get my 5 reps at 375 it cuts my hand up....oh well it was badass with blood all over the strap and all