Hey so I think I'm going to start the 5x5 tomorrow (Monday 9/6/10). The mistake I made the last time is I set my bench max too high and that ruined the whole program. Since I havent worked out for the last 4 days and I've lost strength I figure I will set the maxes pretty low to work up to them. So how does:
Rows-----I'm going to use dumbbells rows so I'll take my 5 rep max today
How do those sound? I think those are where I'm at or slightly below for all lifts. Hopefully I'll be able to build quick and get STRONG!!!!
It looks like you are doing the basic linear 5x5 so if those numbers are what you are currently doing I would start out 10lbs lighter on each one then that. Build back into those over 2 weeks to create a ramping effect and then aim for 5lbs gain a week on the big lifts.
Keep in mind that with your extra cardio work and calisthenics and the fact you aren't eating to gain really and don't expect to get uber strong fast. You aren't going to get uber strong fast anyway because the process takes time, but if you aren't eating to grow you can only expect so much gains. This is one of the biggest issues most lifter's have besides shitty programs and/or over-training.
You have to eat to grow generally if you want to get as strong as possible as fast as possible. It's just the way it works.
You're also like a buck 90 last time I remember so your lifts are all pretty solid considering A. your age B. your weight C. you are not a powerlifter D. you aren't eating to bulk.
It looks like you are doing the basic linear 5x5 so if those numbers are what you are currently doing I would start out 10lbs lighter on each one then that. Build back into those over 2 weeks to create a ramping effect and then aim for 5lbs gain a week on the big lifts.
Keep in mind that with your extra cardio work and calisthenics and the fact you aren't eating to gain really and don't expect to get uber strong fast. You aren't going to get uber strong fast anyway because the process takes time, but if you aren't eating to grow you can only expect so much gains. This is one of the biggest issues most lifter's have besides shitty programs and/or over-training.
You have to eat to grow generally if you want to get as strong as possible as fast as possible. It's just the way it works.
You're also like a buck 90 last time I remember so your lifts are all pretty solid considering A. your age B. your weight C. you are not a powerlifter D. you aren't eating to bulk.
Thanks! As for the program it starts you 4 weeks out from your maxes already and you don't hit pr's till week 5 so I would think using my current maxes would be fine? Unfortunately the stupid school gym doesn't open till next monday so I'll have to wait anyway I'm gonna be so weak by then
Workout 9/5/10
17 minutes
2x25 pushups
2x30 seconds of flutterkicks
7 more minutes running.....for a total of 24 minutes running. Good workout, hard run and my endurance sucks again from missing workouts Morning pt for rotc starts wednesday so I want to be ready for that
Then a bunch of sets of slow deadhang pullups, mostly 5 reps, overhand, underhand, mixed, and a few sets with one hand on the bar one on the frame
DB Rows:
Comments: Fun workout I didnt break a sweat but got a ridiculous pump. Just not doing pullups in a week and a half makes a huge difference I got pumped right away and pullups felt hard. For the 5x5 I'm doing db rows instead of barbell so I got my 5 rm today, proly 95's good form
Anyway today was my first pt test I got a 291 out of 300:
Pushups: 73
Situps: 76 (2 off getting a perfect score)
Run: 13:24 (24 seconds off perfect score!)
Comments: I expected to max the situps and run but do really bad at pushups, so this was actually a pleasant surprise. I puked during the last couple hundred meters of running that was fun lol! Overall not bad but I want that 300!!!!
Oh puking AFTER the test was normal for me, usually cuz I was hauling a$$ on the run, and sipping water between events, not a good combination really. My freshman year a couple guys puked during the run, definitely made for interesting watching and running.
Oh puking AFTER the test was normal for me, usually cuz I was hauling a$$ on the run, and sipping water between events, not a good combination really. My freshman year a couple guys puked during the run, definitely made for interesting watching and running.
Yeah all I had in me was a little water and stomach acid so it wasnt bad. I started dry heaving and some of the other guys looked over and were like come on let's go you can finish etc and then I dry heaved some more then it started coming out and some got on my shirt. Then when I actually stopped it all came out lol. Some other guy was telling me the only time you ever puke is if you've had something bad to eat and I was like bullshit if you havent puked from a workout you've never done a hard workout. One of the female cadets is in the hospital right now btw.......didnt eat hardly anything the day before and almost passed out
I remember in Navy boot camp trying out for the Seals basic training bud/s that I puked after the test for bud/s which was 500meter timed swim, situps, pushups, pullups and a 1.5 mile run. I think about 15 minutes after the run I started feeling funny and hit the bathroom and unloaded my breakfast.
I have trained REALLY hard before and this was the only time I have ever puked in the gym. I did kinda feel close to it the last 5x10 squats I did though.