Oh dear....
This is my first time viewing this thread, and all I can say is:
1.) You need to eat MORE FOOD!!!. I would higly recommend reading Spatt's thread on diet and training. Before I forget, SPATTS...I have printed this workout/diet scheme for a couple of females that have asked for "quick" and "easy" advice on how to train and lose fat, and all love it. I'd say i've printed it out for around ~5 females over my last semester in school. Normally, I would just help them out, but this was a pretty busy fall semester for myself and I didn't have time for that (Medical and diet therapy classes...). Therefore, in regards to them, Thanks for making it easy on myself for them.
2.) This thread is the perfect opportunity to print out for others to read. This thread has a lot of overlooked valuable info that would definately help others OUTSIDE of these boards as well. A lot of this info is easy for a lot of us that have dealt with it personally or through literature, and it can be really helpful on showing how a "mature" female can change for positively for better health.
3.) I agree with Wilson6, Spatt's, Bikinimom, etc....I'm getting softer, but wiser, on ever...ever...recommending anabolics for women, unless it is for medical purposes. Also, I will never suggest anything outside of ANAVAR for women!!! Test, deca, Eq, Anadrol etc...come second. I mean, lets face it, 99% of you women will NEVER, EVER be professional bodybuilders. Therefore, it would really be unwise to use anything outside of anavar unless you have some experience behind ya. Same goes for 99.5% of us males, except you females are a bit more harder to predict for sides and recovery due to the lack of research, etc... Unless ya'll mke a 100% dedicated effort to go pro, then why risk the sides. Also, at only 10-20mg's per day of RAVANA, a bottle would last forever, so this really helps in the cost factor.
4.) FOOD REEEE-VISITED: Maa'm, you are probably only eating close around 500 calores per day. Try taking your bodyweight and multiplying it by 12-14. For example, if you weigh 120 pounds, this would be 120 x 14 = 1680 calories for the day. This is is just another suggestion to go along with Spatt's suggestion. Damn, I almost have to think that you are yankin' our chains on this post because at that calorie level, I wouldn't be surprised if your energy levels lasted all of 2 minutes befoe you wanted to die from exhaustion, etc....Definately work on gaining muscle, as Wilson6 mentoned, you wouldn't believe how much this will help you out.
Well, I don't really have much more to add that hasn't already been mentioned. Good luck and let us all know wht you plan on doing.
This is my first time viewing this thread, and all I can say is:
1.) You need to eat MORE FOOD!!!. I would higly recommend reading Spatt's thread on diet and training. Before I forget, SPATTS...I have printed this workout/diet scheme for a couple of females that have asked for "quick" and "easy" advice on how to train and lose fat, and all love it. I'd say i've printed it out for around ~5 females over my last semester in school. Normally, I would just help them out, but this was a pretty busy fall semester for myself and I didn't have time for that (Medical and diet therapy classes...). Therefore, in regards to them, Thanks for making it easy on myself for them.
2.) This thread is the perfect opportunity to print out for others to read. This thread has a lot of overlooked valuable info that would definately help others OUTSIDE of these boards as well. A lot of this info is easy for a lot of us that have dealt with it personally or through literature, and it can be really helpful on showing how a "mature" female can change for positively for better health.
3.) I agree with Wilson6, Spatt's, Bikinimom, etc....I'm getting softer, but wiser, on ever...ever...recommending anabolics for women, unless it is for medical purposes. Also, I will never suggest anything outside of ANAVAR for women!!! Test, deca, Eq, Anadrol etc...come second. I mean, lets face it, 99% of you women will NEVER, EVER be professional bodybuilders. Therefore, it would really be unwise to use anything outside of anavar unless you have some experience behind ya. Same goes for 99.5% of us males, except you females are a bit more harder to predict for sides and recovery due to the lack of research, etc... Unless ya'll mke a 100% dedicated effort to go pro, then why risk the sides. Also, at only 10-20mg's per day of RAVANA, a bottle would last forever, so this really helps in the cost factor.
4.) FOOD REEEE-VISITED: Maa'm, you are probably only eating close around 500 calores per day. Try taking your bodyweight and multiplying it by 12-14. For example, if you weigh 120 pounds, this would be 120 x 14 = 1680 calories for the day. This is is just another suggestion to go along with Spatt's suggestion. Damn, I almost have to think that you are yankin' our chains on this post because at that calorie level, I wouldn't be surprised if your energy levels lasted all of 2 minutes befoe you wanted to die from exhaustion, etc....Definately work on gaining muscle, as Wilson6 mentoned, you wouldn't believe how much this will help you out.
Well, I don't really have much more to add that hasn't already been mentioned. Good luck and let us all know wht you plan on doing.