If you've been training since 1982, based on your original question, you're knowledge is limited with regard to diet, training and AAS.
I'd suggest the archives here (searches) to begin with. Most of what you ask has been discussed at length.
But to touch on some of this again.
"I have now been on stanazol for three weeks in the hope to reduce my body fat!"
1) It will take at least 4 - 6 weeks to begin to see the cosmetic effects of AAS.
2) While some AAS have been shown to be lipolytic in the literature (and this gets very complex in terms of mechanisms), AAS are not simply taken for the purpose of getting leaner. These drugs have significant side effects and the doses you're taking are likely to produce them (do a search). Moreover, those sides don't become evident for a few weeks and become more progressive over time.
"Thus far I have not seen any positive results, I train twice daily morning and night with a combination of cardio and weight training (mainly cardio approx a 70/30 split)."
Your split should be 30/70, cardio/resistance respectively, and the resistance should be a serious bodybuilder/power style routine. Yes you're going to put on muscle, but you'll also get leaner.
"My dosage of Stanazol has been 1cc twice a week, Is this enough? I also have a dose of Sustanon "100" once every three weeks, Is this ok?"
That total dose is about what clinicians would a give a female to male transsexual to fully virilize her to a man over a period of a few months.
Is that OK?
Better do some more research and get off the juice.
You could probably meet most of your goals with a change in diet (rotating carbs) and a hard core bodybuilder style training program, and how do you define correct protein?
If you've been training since 1982, based on your original question, you're knowledge is limited with regard to diet, training and AAS.
I'd suggest the archives here (searches) to begin with. Most of what you ask has been discussed at length.
But to touch on some of this again.
"I have now been on stanazol for three weeks in the hope to reduce my body fat!"
1) It will take at least 4 - 6 weeks to begin to see the cosmetic effects of AAS.
2) While some AAS have been shown to be lipolytic in the literature (and this gets very complex in terms of mechanisms), AAS are not simply taken for the purpose of getting leaner. These drugs have significant side effects and the doses you're taking are likely to produce them (do a search). Moreover, those sides don't become evident for a few weeks and become more progressive over time.
"Thus far I have not seen any positive results, I train twice daily morning and night with a combination of cardio and weight training (mainly cardio approx a 70/30 split)."
Your split should be 30/70, cardio/resistance respectively, and the resistance should be a serious bodybuilder/power style routine. Yes you're going to put on muscle, but you'll also get leaner.
"My dosage of Stanazol has been 1cc twice a week, Is this enough? I also have a dose of Sustanon "100" once every three weeks, Is this ok?"
That total dose is about what clinicians would a give a female to male transsexual to fully virilize her to a man over a period of a few months.
Is that OK?
Better do some more research and get off the juice.
You could probably meet most of your goals with a change in diet (rotating carbs) and a hard core bodybuilder style training program, and how do you define correct protein?