last year a local hartford radio station had a "bull's balls challenge". It was like the Iron Chef show to see who could cook up the best tasting bull's balls. I think the winner was the beer battered balls.
Did you guys know that horse nuts are as good as bull nuts for keeping gains? I have a friend whose cousin knows a pro bodybuilder. Now, of course I can't mention this pro bb's name , but TRUST me.....we all know who he is and he talks to doctors and scientists all the time.
This pro bb snacks on horse nuts all day and gains crazy size and strength. The only juice he takes is a shot of enanthate (100mg) every week w/ the horse nuts. Post cycle he keeps his gains on smaller nuts like goose nuts, fish nuts, iguana nuts, and frog nuts.
The only danger is that eating all these nuts can cause cancer.
Fish nuts? Come on, fish have nuts? This must be a joke. Also, where the hell is he getting horse nuts? He sure isn't killing horses for them and I also doubt there's someone who'll remove them from a horse just so he can eat them. Come on, you can't be serious!