My partners arrived at 5:00 p.m approx 20 min late. I did not look at any of them in the eye. Was 100% focused. Heres what happened.
Barbell rows:
1st set 45's a side 15 reps
2nd set 175lb 15 reps
3rd set 225 15 reps/ workout partners 10 reps, getting mad.
4th set 275 12 reps/ partners 6 reps a piece then threw wieght down in disgust.
Dumbell rows: 3 sets w/ 100's 15 reps( thats as high as my dbls go)
1st set 225 15 reps
2nd set 315 15 reps
3rd set 375 12 reps w/ superset of 100lb dbl shrugs
till we could do no more.
The youngest of my crew asked if I had been dieting because I looked thin ( always tries to get me pissed ) I simply told him that judging by his performance on back I would suggest adding it in a second time during the week. hehehe
Close Grip:
45s a side for 15
225 for 12 reps
245 for 10 reps
Skull crushers( elbows felt good tonight)
25's a side for 15
35's for 15
45's for 10
rope pushdowns:
drop sets until we could go no more.
1 hr and 45 min. Not bad for three guys. Afterwards the shirts came of. Very numbling for my partners, yet an inspiration and something to shhot for. HAHAHA. Later
Barbell rows:
1st set 45's a side 15 reps
2nd set 175lb 15 reps
3rd set 225 15 reps/ workout partners 10 reps, getting mad.
4th set 275 12 reps/ partners 6 reps a piece then threw wieght down in disgust.
Dumbell rows: 3 sets w/ 100's 15 reps( thats as high as my dbls go)
1st set 225 15 reps
2nd set 315 15 reps
3rd set 375 12 reps w/ superset of 100lb dbl shrugs
till we could do no more.
The youngest of my crew asked if I had been dieting because I looked thin ( always tries to get me pissed ) I simply told him that judging by his performance on back I would suggest adding it in a second time during the week. hehehe
Close Grip:
45s a side for 15
225 for 12 reps
245 for 10 reps
Skull crushers( elbows felt good tonight)
25's a side for 15
35's for 15
45's for 10
rope pushdowns:
drop sets until we could go no more.
1 hr and 45 min. Not bad for three guys. Afterwards the shirts came of. Very numbling for my partners, yet an inspiration and something to shhot for. HAHAHA. Later