O.k. so this is the information from your log that I am using plus part one of my questions if there is any additional anything let me know:
I am worried about my shoulder. I need to get an MRI I think but I am self employed so $500 to see something I may or may not even fix is daunting...especially this time of year w/ 4 kiddos (santa is a faggot and he gets way to much credit for my hard work).
What scares me is it hurts when I PULL overhead now...didn't do that before (it is the same shoulder, pain in the same area, etc, etc). So my plan will be to do Flat still but nothing overhead - no pressing or pulling - hell, I even have to be careful doing bicep stuff as it agrevates it at certain angles. I am going to get consistent on my rehab - ice 20 on / 20 off mixed w/ massive pressure to the area to start off and the max of Ibuprophen daily - doing RC work before and after all flat bench days - mashing on it hurts to the point of tears (see vagina comments below) and the ice is no better at first but I think it is needed. I just can't keep from wondering what I have done to the poor thing. Fast stuff like punching hurts like hell. When I box now pretty much just work kicks and knees b/c I can't throw a jab w/out pissing my pants.
Lower back is probably out of line or something. I need to see a Chiro - wonder how much it would be...need to find a decent one....maybe a oriental medicince style chiro w/ accupucture - I do love needles
I have started to feel a sensation (very very light) at the bottom of my squats in what feels like the tip of my tail bone (no it is not touching the ground unfortunatly) - any idea what this may be? It does not hurt, isn't making a noise or anything like that, just a new feeling....maybe I am growing a vagina...my numbers have gone down for 2 weeks now so it is possible.
My shoulder is not doing very good. It was fine then it started hurting when I slept and I let it be...should have been icing it this whole time...might lay off overhead stuff for a few weeks...fells fine when I bench where it kinda hurts when I do bicep stuff....not deads or rows but curls or other fluff work...shit, as long as I can squat dead and bench I am happy.
My hips are my issue - not sure what it is but they are always sore. This is why I did the leg press. It provides a great stretch on my hips and glutes
My back is getting dense from all this pulling, but it is looking a tad rounded so I am trying to add in some of the above in hopes of pulling my shoulders back a bit.
Squats felt really heavy today - really gotta watch my form and make sure I'm not leaning forward GM style
I have to keep active or my legs get really tight
I hurt my left shoulder doing close grips. I didn't press at all for 2.5 weeks - nothing overhead, nothing for chest - then I started back doing flat a couple times a week and doing BTN PP's once and Strict Standing the other - First couple pressing sessions I didn't do PP's and I have only done them 2x now so I was thinking maybe it was the lift
I am thinking the Push Presses re-twinged it last week
I have lost some range of motion
. Killed the deads despite my lower back asking me to quit - just anoter 4 minutes between lifts.
BTN Push Press:Bar x a lot, 65x5, 95x5, 115x5, 135x5, 135x5 - 1st experience w/ these - I deff lack some shoulder flexability and I can already see how this will help
My traps (especially the left trap) are wicked sore still from Saturday
How is the benching going with the shoulder issue?
It is totally fine benching and doing overhead work so I am blasting them. It only really hurts when I am laying down. They still hurt from Thursdays front squats - I am a baby
Man both my shoulders are killing me
it's a flexability thing. It prevents me from doing much real Oly lifitng.
My shoulders both feel bruised as shit today. I'm sure it like the busted blood vessels I used to get on my back/traps from back squatting
I think I have a new hobby
Sitting at my desk all day is not that fun
Thanks. I have full ROM but there are certain point where it twinges a tad. If I push any decent amount of weight it gets aggrevated.
"How long would you wait before you either pressed throught it or went to the doc." - How long has it been? Last Saturday - hurt it doing close grip presses . Still hurt? Yes - if I move it around a bit. ache? No tender to touch? Not really - although I can get "in there" w/ a finger and find the most accute point of pain - it is between the front and side delt . Any knots you can feel? Nope Can you feel it pull at insertions points? I think kinda - like if I try to stretch it there is pain, and If I press w/ it there is pain
and when I impenged (sp) my other shoulder I had no idea I shouldn;t be working through it and it eventually worked it self out.
I think stifflegs are harder on my lower back. I have serious hamstring flexibility issues so if I go very low I am toast
I am using ice and ibuprofen - per Dr. recomendation. Ice is 20 min on and 20 min off. I iced it last night and it felt great. It feels decent today. I think will be pressing next week
I hate even typing lat pulldowns, I hate doing them - pulling overhead is my weakest back movement and besides that they just don't seem to do anything.
There was some shoulder pain when I finished a set and I was using baby weights. I warmed up on a Hammer Strength machine and then went to the flat bench. Did 2 sets w/ 135 and hung it up. My elbows were as tucked as the lord will allow. I am not going to wreck my immediate lifting future to insure I get in every scheduled workout - even though it is really hard not to "push through it". So i ended up doing some Ab work and then 30 minutes ont he stair machine (one w/ rolling stairs, not the other one)
I did get a tad lucky as there was a Doc in the locker room when I was changing and he overheard me bitching about my shoulder. He told me to ice it 20 min on and 20 min off till it is better. Also said to stay away from any work that caused pain in the problem area (go figure).
My shoulder still feels weird and I didn't want to take any chances. The deads were tough at the end. My lumbar is wrecked from Mondays leg workout so I'm sure getting out of bed tomorrow will be interesting (hence the hammer low rows in place of my norm, BB rows). Once my lower back gets a little warm I am fine but initially it is a real bitch. I have to stretch the hell out of my lower back in between sets on DL's!
I think I will be ready to do some light pressing tomorrow - we will see. Keep your fingers crossed for me and the left shoulder!
I think my form is crap. My elbows flare out too much and I am working on it. I am trying to keep my shoulder blades together and am trying to keep my elbows in.
The pain is inbetween the front and side delt muscles on my left arm. I can pinpoint it w/ my finger. May be a tendon issue. I am not going to be pressing anything this week I bet - hoping I will be able to pull tomorrow so I can train my back.
Supposed to train Chest but my shoulder is hurting pretty good. I may tinker on a few hammer strenght machines just to see how I feel - if I can make it through a decent workout I will.
Fuck my shoulder hurts. Sleep last night was total dukie. Every time I turn over, which is frequent enough, I wake up. Not fun, but if this is as bad as it gets I will consider myself lucky. I'm keeping heat on it almost constantly. First shot is painless to date - did it Sunday AM. In the delt too (not the hurt one...but I'm sure the Deca will heal me quickly) - and I was concerned about 1.5CC shots in the delts, but that is where Al likes to shoot and it looks like I can have my way.
Only problem is I tore something in my left shoulder doing close grips yesterday. I feel like a retard but I think I was doing them w/ improper form on a rep or two and my shoulder F'd up. I iced it yesterday night and this morning for an hour. I have a thermacare heat wrap on it now. I am not sure how bad it is. I don't think it is much but I may only be able to train legs this week.