If I can figure out how to search all the relevant forums for my posts, I will tell you exactly who recommended it. If my memory serves, several of the seemingly more knowledgeable guys recommended. I then did some research that had many credible sources confirming. In the meantime, in short, approaching 50, PCT kinda never that successful, low nat test for 15 yrs anyways. So it was postulated that no need/use in recovering low nat test production with a PCT. So full-time trt seemed a solution, but full-time trt at 500 could lead to some health risks that could be mitigated by lowering exposure by lowering down to a normal trt range for periods. You didn’t state which part you dont understand- why a person using 100 trt would ever need to raise the mg’s? or why a person at 500 would ever need to lower them? or why would anybody ever use either?
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