Calories eaten 1500
calories burned: don't know but I am going for another 4.6 (why 4.6 cause the sidewalk ends and we clocked it with the car )
4 egg whites 1 egg
29g all bran + 1/2 cup skim milk
shake/glut/fruit juice
83g tuna (it is a tuna, ha ha)
1/2cup of yogurt
79g chicken
85g brown rice
green beans
shake/glut/fruit juice
Lat pull downs
incline bench press
negative lat pull ups
db incline chest press
seated row
peck deck
I am taking my daughters to a mommy/daughter/playschool/preschool dancing thingy. I think I am more excited then they are! And guess what we may actually get the van back today, that is right, we haven't had it this whole time. The dumb dumbs did more damage than we thought. But it is fixed, except the stereo but that will come next. and it is my youngest daughters 2nd b-day on saturday. Getting a pretty pink tricycle. for everybody!
great job with the running! Keep tootin!!! Every morning that you get up and do some kind of cardio... It can be rough, but you always feel better after, dontcha?
great job with the running! Keep tootin!!! Every morning that you get up and do some kind of cardio... It can be rough, but you always feel better after, dontcha?
I wish it was in the morning, but no it was last night. I have tried several times to do cardio in the morning. It will never happen for me. I do it always late at night when my kids are in bed.