Actually, no. I herniated a disk (which is degenerative) along with a pars fracture on my vertebrae when I was pitching in a baseball game 5 1/2 years ago. That was long before I ever did weight lifting, and as a minor league player, my core was at it's strongest it has ever been. Wearing a belt keeps the disk from protruding further into my spinal cord by wearing it extremely tight and compressing the lumbar where the injured disk is. I wouldn't be able to squat period without a belt.
A good friend i train with has more or less the same problem. He broke his back in a few places water skiing i think and has to wear a belt to keep his core tight at all times when hes training.
Ah yeah I admit maybe I jumped up to 100kg to fast, the week before I had 90kgx5 easily so maybe I should have tryed 95kg first. And I actually thought other than the rest between sets and being a little wobbly at the bottom it was allright form, just goes to show what happenes when you go to a college gym...
Ill do a 135x5 tonight and try with better form seen as a few people said that would be a better indicator of form and you tell me if Im allright with that form, then next squat session Ill drop the weight to maybe 185
Actually, no. I herniated a disk (which is degenerative) along with a pars fracture on my vertebrae when I was pitching in a baseball game 5 1/2 years ago. That was long before I ever did weight lifting, and as a minor league player, my core was at it's strongest it has ever been. Wearing a belt keeps the disk from protruding further into my spinal cord by wearing it extremely tight and compressing the lumbar where the injured disk is. I wouldn't be able to squat period without a belt.
I'm just giving you a hard time. The only time I've ever used a belt was also due to injury. Looking back, I shouldn't have even been training at that point. And FWIW, it wasn't a real belt, but a sweatshirt tied tightly around my waist. Good times.
Congrats on squatting and sticking with it at your age. I can only imagine where I would be now if I had started that young.
I didn't read all the replies but will say that your depth is way off. At your age I assume your flexability is good. High bar placement is great for really deep squats. YOu are feeling 'crushed' due to your core. Incorporating Deads, Pendlay Rows, Power Cleans, or even Hypers will help this considerably.
If you are trying to squat like a Powerlifter you still need a bit more depth. You may try box squatting to get the feel for proper depth.
I would need to see the squat from a side angle to give much real form advice. You unrack in a very dangerous position. Try having your feet parallel to each other when you unrack the weight. You also don;t need to step back so far.
The safteys are way to high. The last thing you want is to touch anything on the way down.
I want to give props for one more - and very obvious thing. This kid is in the fucking squat rack moving iron! I don't care what's on the bar or not, he's in there doing it. He's not some chicken legged dick out there doing only bench, preacher curls, skull crushers & spending most of his time talking about chick he'd like to bang and trying to look tough in their spaghetti strap tank tops.
Keep up the great work. Form comes from practice. Weight comes from putting that form into practice. Huge slabs of muscle comes from not quitting.
Lol yeah thanks. And al420, I do deads, I do pendlays, & I do cleans.
Heres the 135 people asked for, like you can see I was trying to bench at the hip first, stickin my ass out further, getting more hip drive and exploding up more. Got some fuckin major cramp in my foot so I had to stop though...
I'm just giving you a hard time. The only time I've ever used a belt was also due to injury. Looking back, I shouldn't have even been training at that point. And FWIW, it wasn't a real belt, but a sweatshirt tied tightly around my waist. Good times.