Do any of you guys do some cardio while bulking?
Right now im on a 3day mon/wed/fri routine, im wondering if i should do some light cardio on tues/thurs doesnt have to be in the morning on an empty stomach, ill save that for cutting just curious on whether you guys think it will be a good or bad idea. Im not trying to be soo huge, but to make things simple if you guys know who mark whalberg is (marky mark) when he was in his prime condition, thats basically my physical goal.
Right now im on a 3day mon/wed/fri routine, im wondering if i should do some light cardio on tues/thurs doesnt have to be in the morning on an empty stomach, ill save that for cutting just curious on whether you guys think it will be a good or bad idea. Im not trying to be soo huge, but to make things simple if you guys know who mark whalberg is (marky mark) when he was in his prime condition, thats basically my physical goal.