bignate73 said:whoa...ok.
an independent day might not be the way to go, but more likely more frequently training them. the one bodypart per day thing is phasing out fast as people realize that quite frankly they don't work that specific bodypart that hard to warrant 7 days off, nor is it productive when you can train a bodypart in one fashion and then train it a few days later in another fashion and still make gains. some of the most productive routines are ones centered on lower volume and higher frequency. some of the most ineffective ones(one muscle a day) are spread around the bodybuilding world like ebola, with no vaccination in sight. supercompensation (the goal of most seeking hypertrophy) does not take 7 days, more like 2-3.
a note on detail, as caligirl mentioned. you can have specific areas you are interested in working/bringing, for shoulders it may be your rear delts or ant. delts. do your main work, then either finish with the SPECIFIC area you need (all 3 heads is not detail, thats construction) or save it for another day where you have that muscle involved but not isolated (rear delts get it when you do rows/front delts after chest presses etc.) so you get 2 days of focus per week on that bodypart. This is the point that WSB uses for their xtra workouts. its to bring up lagging bodyparts (primarily used for strength but has its merits for hypertrophy too). again the principle is an extra workout of specificity to address weak points.
3rd point: high rep stuff..does not pull out definition. it may physically burn, but specifically this is like doing endless crunches to bring out the abs. detail is created with well built muscle, low bodyfat. putting on some mass in an area may be just what the doctor ordered to save yourself from endless lateral/front/rear raises at low intensity (1rm %) that slowly bring up what you could have had in mass in a short period with the correct exercise intensity.
just some ideas...
whoa.... okay?
I dont think there was a word said about taking 7 days off? To keep your body in a continued state of shock will benefit whatever muscle group you're training. I have some friggin beefy shoulders to attest to that. Everyone is different. I have benefited from some of the suggestions I posted, clients and friends have benefited from others.
I agree with sassy, that high reps DO work, especially for women in bringing out added detail. training hard on a dedicated day will allow for increased intensity and focus on that particular muscle group..... I myself sure do have a better session if my shoulders are fresh...
Maybe if Rooneytunes posted her shoulder routine we would better understand what she needs... at this point we are all guessing and commenting on different ways of training.