These workouts you're doing should do you a world of good. They are a very different from what you've done since the beginning of the year and the change should stimulate a good growth spurt. To some people it looks like a lot of sets but sometimes you need that to get past a plateau. It also allows you to find new limits and learn more about your body and how it reacts and recovers from this type of training. The top women bber's do way more than you were doing, although I know that's not the look you want.
Fitness Chick does her leg routine looks like this.
Warmed up with the bar 2 sets
2 sets of 135 for 15 reps to get warmer
185 x 12 reps
225 x 12 reps
135 x 20 reps
Stiff legged deads
4 sets @ 95 pounds at 20 reps each
Leg extensions
4 sets... set 1 was single legged extensions
set 2-3 were double legged
set 4 was a drop set
Leg press
20 reps @ 6 plates
15 reps @ 10 plates
10 reps @ 14 plates
Single legged curles super set with lying leg curls
set 1... 10 reps each leg on the standing leg curl super set with lying leg curl....10 reps , rest 10 seconds, 10 reps, rest 10 seconds 10 reps.Set 2-3- 10 reps each leg on standing then 12 reps lying
Butt Blaster: 2 sets of 10 reps each leg.....
And then she'll do a annihilation sets
Leg Press...
10 platesx12 reps
9 plates x10 reps
Now looking at that many people would comment HOLY SHIT YOU'LL HAVE NO LEGS DOING THAT. But I'd say from this pic, she's got legs.