Yeah, i think gaining weight was mentioned, but its always good to re-itterate a point. Its easier said than done.
I've been trying
Iweighed myself an hour ago, and tipped the scales at 136.5
Ok most people will say eat protein protein protein but I say screw that. Eat ABOUT 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight, try and get some good fats(flax or fish oil) and eat a shit pot full of carbs.
do you guys drink the premixed stuff, or do you make your own? if i'm out and thirsty ill opt for a chocolate milk chug rather than a soda. if home though i'll make my own. I don't like the nesquik as much as hersheys syrup. there is also this new 3 musketeers "sundae topping", which is basically something you can mix into milk. It's pretty good! I'd check it out. I like strawberry milk too.