Do more board presses, get a tighter shirt, and do speed work. Unless you are naturally fast, or have figured out some way to have great bar speed without doing dynamic effort bench (PowerlifterJay comes to mind) then I think you are really shorting yourself by not doing speed work.
If that bar is moving fast as Hell when it gets to your sticking point, what do you think is going to happen? You will fly right through it. I know myself, if I am not moving the bar fast, a weight 50 lbs below my potential max will pin me down, whereas if I am moving it at proper speed, it "looks" easy.
I have never seen you bench, but most people's bar speed sucks donkey balls, even at powerlifting meets I have been to. Speed kills. This cannot be overemphasized.
You said something about benching with too wide a grip earlier, I don't understand this. Wide grip equals short stroke. I am only five seven or eight but shirt bench with my index fingers on the rings.
Make sure you are working on your rotators, this is often overlooked. Hit upper back hard, work your triceps hard on heavy barbell movements that emphasize the lockout (5 board press, rack lockouts, JM Press) these IMHO are much more important than dumbell tricep extensions and barbell tricep extensions, for contributing to lockout.
Also, train with the mentality that 200 aint shit. What the Hell does 200 have to hold over your head? That is a warmup weight to you. You are on the hunt for 300. 200 is something you hit in warmups backstage before you even bother putting your shirt on. You have to really beleive that. Don't just tell yourself this to fire yourself up. Make this "YOUR NEW TRUTH" . It just has to be that way. Beleive it first then acheive it soon thereafter.