Now with the board presses, what grip should i use for 4 and 5 boards? Should i use a close grip, a normal grip a wide grip...???
And i should do the 4 or 5 boards as assistance and the 1,2,3 boards as ME Exercises, right?
Thanks for the help. [/B][/QUOTE]
I shirt up for board presses at least once per month. When I do this, I grip with a comp grip. This is the grip that I will use when locking out as heavy a weight as possible, so this is what I use when I do shirt/board presses. When I am not using the shirt for board presses, I bring my grip in to protect my funky shoulders. I use a medium grip for all 3 board and 2 board work, and a close grip for 5 board work. These are not set in stone, I move them around when going raw.
I recommend setting records with a 3 board with close medium and wide grips, then set 2 and 5 board records with 3 different grips as well. There are 9 different M.E. exercises right there. Add in the shirt for 2 more (5 board is too tall for comp grip) and you are up to 11. Throw on some bands for 5 more, now we are at 16, and reverse bands for 5 more, we are up to 21 M.E. exercises. That is half of a years worth of M.E. exercises right there.
Alternate doing one of the ones I just listed one week, with floor presses, inclines, declines, overhead pin press, dumbells for a rep max, or any of dozens of other exercises, and you have an entire years worth of M.E. work. Set a record every week or even every other week during that year, and you will laugh at the thought of ever having been stuck at 195.
Also, and I say this from the bottom of my heart. EAT SOMETHING!!!! Get as big as you can during your teenage years. Eat till you are sick, then eat some more. Take advantage of the best growing time you have. It was very hard for me to put on any size at all till I was in my 20's, but looking back, I was not giving myself all the chances to grow I should have. Eat a lot, and get plenty of sleep. Hit your triceps like your life depends upon it, hit upper back hard, and don't neglect the rotators, while following the game plan laid out above, and you will amaze yourself in a year's time.