suggestions... hmm
well i'll post here what i posted in a previos thread...
would suggest getting a champion suit to train in, and a Titan custom tailored to compete in.
You can use the champion to get used to feel of the suits, and the titan to reall kick some ass. The titan custom tailored is supposedly better than the hard core, but around 1/3rd the price, and is completely custom made just for you.
The Champion runs about 40$ and the custom tailored 65.
As for bench shirts, get a HD Blast and then a fury..
The HD blast will ge tyou use to benching in a shirt, and then the fury will be you meet shirt.
The fury runs you about 85$, the HD Blast about 55$
if you cant afford all that, then i would just get the titan fury bench shirt, and a Titan Victor squat suit(50$) (the titan victor is the same as the custom tailored, except it only comes in stock sizes.)
Im not the greatest with equipment, so dont take my word like its always correct.. i feel i know alot about equipment.. im just not very experianced with it.