I have a hard time keeping my hands away from my nose until I take a shower or wash my hands. I had a couple of friends that had a hard time keeping their noses away from my hands afterwards as well. I think most guys love the smell of raw pussy, I'd bathe in it if I could.
Well, It's just like opening a bottle of fine wine. You sniff the cork before you drink ...it's only natural. Pheromones are there for a reason, to make you want some.
I'm surprised that so many here seem to have forgotten just how important fingers can be. There's so much fun to be had in the car that way. Or anywhere. There's nothing sexier than 2 people in love who have hands that smell like sex.
i'm with hammy, it might smell nice or it might smell bad but do you really want to ruin the moment of filling that sweet georgia peach full of juice by smelling a stinky finger?