Is it legit or all marketing b.s.?
I want to try something that is not going to cause my test levels to crash afterwards. I am in a relationship and don't want my labido to crash especially and considering trying to have a kid in the next few months so I don't want to do anything to compromise that.
I'm 35, 5"10 180 and probably 12-15% bf right now. Ultimately would like to add 10 lbs muscle and get bf down to 10%. Diet and training are in check already. Do any of these natty test boosters do anything? Would PH or Sarms be a better choice?
I want to try something that is not going to cause my test levels to crash afterwards. I am in a relationship and don't want my labido to crash especially and considering trying to have a kid in the next few months so I don't want to do anything to compromise that.
I'm 35, 5"10 180 and probably 12-15% bf right now. Ultimately would like to add 10 lbs muscle and get bf down to 10%. Diet and training are in check already. Do any of these natty test boosters do anything? Would PH or Sarms be a better choice?