I do this thing for my traps at the fitworks i go to and i call them noise makers...i use the hammer strength thing that you can do weighted dips on and also flat bench on...although the sissies use it for flat bench...lol...I stradle the flat bench and start out with 4 plates on each side and do sets of 15 all the way until it is maxed out, which is 8 plates on a side...by then I have to use straps cause the rubber cusiony grip gets slick, even with some chalk...I keep doing sets up 15 as I add the plates and then hit 3 sets to failure maxed out...talk about the lower and middle of the traps getting hit...I do these after the straight bar presses...but, this will not hurt any pain you may get from any pressing movements...plus since they got no collars to fit the fucking thing....dem plates bang like the fucking liberty bell...talk about sticking out like a sore thumb...plus, you can move yourself around enough while getting a grip to hit any part of the traps you want...without hurting yourself...just remember to look up or straight ahead and not down...if you do this looking down, the top of you neck by the base of your head will hurt for a few days...