I have friends who really like his new shirt.
Yes, i might be biased (I'm crains webmaster) cause of course i want his business to do well, but i really do know a number of great lifters who love it.
I think i know who might take home the money at the Virginia Nationals and i believe he'll be suited up in all crains stuff...
Having never worn a bench shirt (and not planning on it), I don't know.
i hear a LOT of talk on the net and its close to equal as to who likes what.
Since RDC often contributes to my board ('often' is putting it mildly), not too many complaints about his stuff there, but I do lurk around plenty of other places and hear good/bad about all of it.
good luck,
I have a older one he made for Hugh Dunegan back when he lifted at 198. It fits me good like it better than any of my inzer shirts (all poly closed back HPHD and EHPHD). I believe it's cut like the fury, arms more like 90 deg. from torso. I have had this shirt at least 5 yrs. and Hugh hadn't been 198 for a year or so befor that, so this shirt is at least 6 yrs old (he had that idea long ago I guess).