Hey fellas. What is going on? Looking for some help from you guys. Gonna try to keep this short and sweet. I am 34, have been lifting my entire life. I have been on the juice since my first year of college. I blast and cruise, usually around 20 weeks on and 10-12 weeks off. I cruise on 500mg of Test E, with 100-200mg of Deca, and 6iu of GH a week. I have used just about every compound under the sun, whether it is a steroid, peptide, or whatever.
I am 5-11, 275, and I would say around 12% body fat. You can see the outline of my abs, so I am not too fat. I only lift and body build for a hobby.. never thought about competing. Well I have been talking to my friends and they think I could do very well, so I am going to give it a shot. I have never prepared for a contest before. I know how to diet and cut.. but not the entire drug process. I know what compounds to use, but not exactly how to put them together. I looked into getting a prep coach.. and he wants half my house, my girlfriend, and my left arm to set me up with a program. I am not too concerned with money, but this guys price was just too much in my opinion. So I am going to be doing this myself, with the help of my bros, and hopefully you guys. We have come up with an outline, so tell me what you think.
20 Weeks Out
1500mg Test E
800mg Equipoise
700mg NPP
50mg D-Bol/day
16 Weeks Out
1500mg Test E
800mg Equipoise
700mg NPP
12 Weeks Out
1500mg Test E
800mg Equipoise
700mg NPP
1050mg Mast Prop
450mg Tren Hex
8 Weeks Out
1500mg Test E
800mg Equipoise
1050mg Mast Prop
600mg Tren Hex
100mg Winstrol Depot/day
100mg Anavar/day
80mcg Clen/day
2mg Keto/day
25mcg T-3/day
4 Weeks Out
1050mg Test Prop
1050mg Mast Prop
600mg Tren Hex
100mg Winstrol Depot/day
100mg Anavar/day
50mg Halo/day
80mcg Clen/day
2mg Keto/day
50mcg T3/day
Then it's show time.
Will use IGF-1 LR3, 100mcg 3 times per week, 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off. Insulin, 20iu/day 4 weeks on 4 weeks off. Think I will drop about 8 weeks out. Going to bump the GH from 6iu to 8iu.
Support will include:
Prami, Aromasin, Letro, Nolva, HCTZ
N-AC, Liv-52, Synthergine, Hawthorne Berry, Milk Thistle, Tudca
After cycle, I will go back to cruising and will run Nolva for 4-6 weeks.
Please don't troll this. Looking for real advice. Thanks.
I am 5-11, 275, and I would say around 12% body fat. You can see the outline of my abs, so I am not too fat. I only lift and body build for a hobby.. never thought about competing. Well I have been talking to my friends and they think I could do very well, so I am going to give it a shot. I have never prepared for a contest before. I know how to diet and cut.. but not the entire drug process. I know what compounds to use, but not exactly how to put them together. I looked into getting a prep coach.. and he wants half my house, my girlfriend, and my left arm to set me up with a program. I am not too concerned with money, but this guys price was just too much in my opinion. So I am going to be doing this myself, with the help of my bros, and hopefully you guys. We have come up with an outline, so tell me what you think.
20 Weeks Out
1500mg Test E
800mg Equipoise
700mg NPP
50mg D-Bol/day
16 Weeks Out
1500mg Test E
800mg Equipoise
700mg NPP
12 Weeks Out
1500mg Test E
800mg Equipoise
700mg NPP
1050mg Mast Prop
450mg Tren Hex
8 Weeks Out
1500mg Test E
800mg Equipoise
1050mg Mast Prop
600mg Tren Hex
100mg Winstrol Depot/day
100mg Anavar/day
80mcg Clen/day
2mg Keto/day
25mcg T-3/day
4 Weeks Out
1050mg Test Prop
1050mg Mast Prop
600mg Tren Hex
100mg Winstrol Depot/day
100mg Anavar/day
50mg Halo/day
80mcg Clen/day
2mg Keto/day
50mcg T3/day
Then it's show time.
Will use IGF-1 LR3, 100mcg 3 times per week, 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off. Insulin, 20iu/day 4 weeks on 4 weeks off. Think I will drop about 8 weeks out. Going to bump the GH from 6iu to 8iu.
Support will include:
Prami, Aromasin, Letro, Nolva, HCTZ
N-AC, Liv-52, Synthergine, Hawthorne Berry, Milk Thistle, Tudca
After cycle, I will go back to cruising and will run Nolva for 4-6 weeks.
Please don't troll this. Looking for real advice. Thanks.