Pros do indeed eat in upwards of 7500 cals a day. Certain pros diet at around 5000 calories a day. Again the same holds true for them. They are all individuals with varying needs. I think your notions are flawed. One can tell when muscle growth accelerates due to an increase in calories. You made a statement that one can't tell the difference between muscle growth and fat accumulation...We only see the number on the scale getting bigger. I disagree. Those of us in this game have a better understanding and feel for our body's than most other people do. Years of diet manipulation and training experience produce a great awareness of ones body. It is a fact that for most of us we will gain some fat in our pursuit of mass. It's a fact of this life and a normal physiological fuction. If you ate soley to gain nothing but lean body mass, a noble conquest, you would gain, but very, very slowly. You would not gain as much muscle this way as if you ate for optimal gains. We are in this game to get big before the body's biological process become too inefficient to produce and support the large quantities of mass we desire. The only way to expidite this rapid growth is through a drastic increase in the supplies needed to produce this mass. No single person can pin point exactly the break even caloric level between muscle gains and fat accumulation. So to insure our growth we make sure to supply the body with all it needs. To optimize muscle growth you must feed the body more than it needs for normal daily fuctions and maintanace. This requires an abundance of calories. Muscle growth takes a back seat to all other more vital fuctions in the body...In simplist terms, it must be induced. In order to acheive the mass many of us seek in an acceptable period of time we have to induce rapid muscle hypertrophy thorugh hard stimulus training and an abundance of food. To soley gain pure muscle mass without the addition of fat would limit the potential growth of muscle and severly diminish the rate at which it happens. Most of use don't want to gain a 1/2 pound of muscle a month and wait years upon years for gains to materilaize. We speed up the growth process of muscles and a byproduct is some fat accumulation...laws of physiology. The human body simply in not designed to be incredibly muscled and have 4% body fat...It's not natural. That's why it takes extremes to induce the desired effects. Extreme calories(and in most of our cases, the use of AAS) to induce the extreme muscularity...Then the opposite extreme of dieting after that muscularity has been acheived to get to that unnaturally lean 4%. Bottom line is eating just above maintnance will create growth, but it's just too slow. Eating more will produce more growth...and this grwoth includes more muscle. Sacrifices must be made to get for maximum muscularity. One of those sacrifices is some adipose tissue.