Bench w/ 2 chains a side- 175x3x3(close)
ultra wides- worked up to an easy 275x6
plate raises 3 sets
Elbows out ext on incline 3 sets
lats- 3 sets
shrugs- 3 sets
i did the ultra wides today 1. becuase ive never done them, and 2. i think they will help bring up my front delts and chest, which is my weak area right now, im strong at lockout but weak off the chest. i did the plate raises before triceps so i can get more delt work in, wed i will go heavier on tris with some high boards and a DB exercise. did some shrugs to get upper back work in.
ultra wides- worked up to an easy 275x6
plate raises 3 sets
Elbows out ext on incline 3 sets
lats- 3 sets
shrugs- 3 sets
i did the ultra wides today 1. becuase ive never done them, and 2. i think they will help bring up my front delts and chest, which is my weak area right now, im strong at lockout but weak off the chest. i did the plate raises before triceps so i can get more delt work in, wed i will go heavier on tris with some high boards and a DB exercise. did some shrugs to get upper back work in.