Jason_Big J
New member
Stats 22 years old 6'1 220lbs 14%bodyfat WRESTLER I am not a BODYBUILDER. I am looking to stay at 14%bodyfat but go up in weight. I have been training since age 14 so about 4.5 years or so give or take. I am running the below steroid cycle and PCT. My workout will also be below. I can only do weight training 4 times a week but I like how my weight training workout is and I will not change it reason I will not change it is because I love high volume and high intensity. I will really be thankful if some of you guys give me some good tips about my cycle layout and remember it's my first cycle EVER.
Diet Calories intake will be 4500 - 5000
50% protein 30% carbs 20% fat
I also do 20 minutes high intensity cardio after my weight training.
Test E 12 Weeks 500mg per week
1-12 Week 250mg twice per week
250mg Monday 250mg Thursday
2 weeks after last shot will be PCT
4 weeks of PCT
1-4 week Nolvadex 100/100/50/50 mg
1-4 week Clomid 50/50/25/25 mg
Tuesday Leg/Calf/Forearm
5 set squat
4 set leg press
4 set dumbbell stiff leg deadlift
4 set 1 leg leg press
4 set leg extension
5 set leg press calf raise
4 set seated calf raise
4 set dumbbell forearm curl
4 set dumbbell reverse forearm curl
Wednesday Shoulder/Trap/Triceps
5 set dumbbell shoulder press
4 set machine shoulder press
4 set side latural raise
4 set front raise
4 set rear delt fly dumbbell
5 set smith machine shrugs
5 set bench weighted dips
4 set triceps extension dumbbell
4 set triceps push down bar
4 set triceps push down rope
Thursday Back/Forearm/Calf
5 set deadlift
4 set barbell row
4 set t bar row
4 set seated machine row
4 set dumbbell row
5 set lat pull down
4 set machine lat pull down
4 set close grip lat pull down
4 set forearm barbell curl
4 set reverse dumbbell forearm curl
4 set leg press calf raise
4 set seated calf raise
Friday Chest/Triceps/Biceps
5 set dumbbell bench press
5 set incline dumbbell press
4 set incline chest fly
4 set machine fly
4 set burn out bench press with dumbbell
4 set triceps push down bar
4 set cable curl
4 set incline machine curl
4 set dumbbell curl
4 set hammer curl
4 set incline bench hammer curl
Diet Calories intake will be 4500 - 5000
50% protein 30% carbs 20% fat
I also do 20 minutes high intensity cardio after my weight training.
Test E 12 Weeks 500mg per week
1-12 Week 250mg twice per week
250mg Monday 250mg Thursday
2 weeks after last shot will be PCT
4 weeks of PCT
1-4 week Nolvadex 100/100/50/50 mg
1-4 week Clomid 50/50/25/25 mg
Tuesday Leg/Calf/Forearm
5 set squat
4 set leg press
4 set dumbbell stiff leg deadlift
4 set 1 leg leg press
4 set leg extension
5 set leg press calf raise
4 set seated calf raise
4 set dumbbell forearm curl
4 set dumbbell reverse forearm curl
Wednesday Shoulder/Trap/Triceps
5 set dumbbell shoulder press
4 set machine shoulder press
4 set side latural raise
4 set front raise
4 set rear delt fly dumbbell
5 set smith machine shrugs
5 set bench weighted dips
4 set triceps extension dumbbell
4 set triceps push down bar
4 set triceps push down rope
Thursday Back/Forearm/Calf
5 set deadlift
4 set barbell row
4 set t bar row
4 set seated machine row
4 set dumbbell row
5 set lat pull down
4 set machine lat pull down
4 set close grip lat pull down
4 set forearm barbell curl
4 set reverse dumbbell forearm curl
4 set leg press calf raise
4 set seated calf raise
Friday Chest/Triceps/Biceps
5 set dumbbell bench press
5 set incline dumbbell press
4 set incline chest fly
4 set machine fly
4 set burn out bench press with dumbbell
4 set triceps push down bar
4 set cable curl
4 set incline machine curl
4 set dumbbell curl
4 set hammer curl
4 set incline bench hammer curl