sk* said:
You're wrong and i'll give you an anology.
If I punch you in the face it will hurt a lot. If I punch you a second time in your face (at the same speed) it will hurt again but a little less. A third time would hurt even less.
Buttom line, you get used to the pain. Same thing with steroids.
Interesting analogy
..... however still incorrect as far as steroids are concerned. Particularly testosterone.
You see, if this were the case, you would see Professional bodybuilder actually decreasing in size. Realize that a professional bodybuilder is on anabolics YEAR AROUND. They NEVER stop. Because if they did, their bodies and lean muscle tissue would dissapear at an incredibly rapid speed.
Their bodies never actually adapt or "get used to" the anabolics in their body as these athletes continue to make consistent and persistent gains (look at Ronnie Coleman over his 4 Mr. Olympia's...he was larger in each one)
The reason the amount of gear is increased is not because the body is getting used to it, rather because that is the amount required to take the athlete to the next level.
It is similar to food intake. The larger you get, the more calories you must consume to grow, correct.
The body never actually gets used to the food and stops processing it. It simply required more food to sustain the growth or achieve increased growth.
Therefore, there should be no concern that the body will get used to the steroid and not grow. It will. However, the amount of growth will be in direct proportion to which stage the athlete is in regarding genetic potential.
A appreciate your feedback SK as this is a very misunderstood topic in the world of bodybuilding.