Oh another suggestion PowerPuffGirl. If you have a clean diet and eat 6x a day and cardio like you already do. Then i wouldn't suggest taking any fat burer more than once a day. You do crash off Xenadrine,ect. If you take fat burners twice a day you'll see a decrease in your strength and sleepless nights. Oh and don't waste your time on any fat burners that don't have caffeine & ephedrine. Just once a day with a fat burner with the work out and eating routine you have will be good. Now people who are dependant on caffeine. Will tell you thats its ok to take Xenadrine,ect twice a day. But Xenadrine,ect is easy to take more times than you need making you think that you won't burn the fat as fast without it. I know because I use to take Ripped Force YEAR ROUND a couple yrs ago. and also if you don't want to lose alot of water retention then you DEFINETLY don't want to take any fat burner more than once a day. Just my 2cents