OK so Im out for a nice bike ride through my neighborhood. It's sundown but not yet totally dark. Im coming around a corner and Ive never been on this street before. As i come around the curve, I saw what i thought were 2 huge deer standing on this person's front lawn near the street. For a split second, i thought they were real and I got scared like WHOA. But then I immediately giggled at my paranoia because I realized they were just deer statues standing ever so still. I though hmm weird. Deer statues. And as I'm coasing by I'm looking at them. As i begin to pass in front of them, their heads fucking moved in my very direction and their beady deer eyes followed me and I go "oh shit!" real loud and i start pedaling read fast and they scurried off into a wooded area.
Fuck my heart was beating so fast and I was laughing at myself. Then I thought, do they attack people? I mean, would it be dangerous to be in their vicinity?
Fuck my heart was beating so fast and I was laughing at myself. Then I thought, do they attack people? I mean, would it be dangerous to be in their vicinity?