solid workout man. As long as you are progressing it dont matter. ry and make time to get everything done, school and working out without getting stressed. Looks like youre doing good tho so far. Fuck my college is 10x easier than AP classes lol
anda- true that i hope you're right......... maybe i'll just workout at school for the next week if it keeps up. Not only are these guys pretty rude, but they're also stupid in the sense they have no idea what they're doing as far as form goes and weight goes- won't go into detail but it's to the point where it's outrageous.
glad- thx... i know what you mean. Recently i have had a fuckload of work piled on and will have this fuckload for the next few weeks until after mid terms. The college i am going to next year should be pretty fucking challenging as only 37% of kids get in, but my english class is run through a local university and we have 12 page papers each marking period. Teacher went to tufts undergrad and columbia for grad school, and had a sick job in the movie industry, but instead he wants to teach english. One kid spoke to us from Cornell and said his first few english papers @ cornell wasn't this bad. It does save me the cash for a regular course next year though (C or higher which i have) which is thousands of dollars, and since i have a scholarship next year, i gotta keep up my grades somewhat this year and next year 3.0 or higher or they'll rid me of it... which is why i am not taking this class as lightly as my other APs. Fuck you btw haha- i wish my AP classes weren't as hard as college
as far as lifting goes, can't wait to go for my 195x3x3 squat next workout
the day you come back and start squatting more than me is the day i stop training
nah jk.... hope your recovery is good and that you're squatting as much as me in no time!
btw guys, do you think my deadlift is getting a bit out of proportion with my bench? Deadlifts i hit 245x3, and bench i only got like 145x2 but i have hit 135x7 and 140x5. I think my squat is ok at 195 for now.
swam 14 laps today and did BB complexes with what i think was a 50 pound bar.. did back squats, hang cleans, OHP, front squats, rows... then did it was 65 or 70 pounds and it was fucking hard.
never did snatches..... they look a bit risky and hard to get good form on to me compared to cleans, but i actually did think of learning them today and doing them after hang cleans. when you say squat into push press, i take it you mean front squat into push press- kinda a stupid question lol..
never did snatches..... they look a bit risky and hard to get good form on to me compared to cleans, but i actually did think of learning them today and doing them after hang cleans. when you say squat into push press, i take it you mean front squat into push press- kinda a stupid question lol..