New member
ok guys tomorrow i have the following; going for PRs on deads and bench - 235x5 deadlift and 140x4-8 bench press... if i hit 6+ reps on 140 i'll up the weight. If I don't struggle as much with 235 i'll up to 245 next workout...
Day 3
Deadlift- 1x6, 1 set backoff set of double overhand
Bench- 2x5-8, backoff set of 1x8-15
Alt DB Curls- 3 sets
Seated DB Press- 3x8-12
Seated Calves- 4-6 sets
CGBP- 3x8-12
any ideas on order of the lifts? i originally had dead -> bench -> seated db press -> curls -> CGBP -> calves, but i think that doing curls in between bench and seated DB might be good to give myself some rest, and calves in between seated db press and cgbp to also give myself some more rest.
my shoulders are crazy sore today from clean and push press (not a jerk) and my quads are also pretty sore!! will start out with 25s on seated DB press and go with it from there- quads have been noticeably growing at least to my eyes.. will post some more pics at the end of the month
Yeah try the curls in between bb and db bench. And pull that 235x5 yeah!!!!