Elite Bodybuilder
I dunno why you'd look like a moron or why you'd even care what people think lol....don't you want to sling some heavy weights?thanks dude ^^
i'll check em out now
just watched them-- some of them i am not going to do to avoid looking like a complete moron at the gym (lol) but for some of the others, should i do them right before my lifts, or is it okay to do them at home before i go to the gym- don't want to look like an idiot lying on the ground swinging my hips back and forth lol
You do them as a warm-up before any lifting. Choose 8-10 exercises and do them. Some of then need to be static holds in which case you'll hold for 30 seconds and others need to be reps in which case you do 10-12 reps.
You basically need a minimum of 3 exercises directly for the hips (these will make you look like a "moron" as you put it, 3 exercises for glute activation, 1 exercises for knees and 1 for ankles.
Just so you understand the importance of these idiotic exercises:
1.) Eric Cressey and Mike Robertson have their trainees do these ALL the time. Now, if you don't know who these 2 coaches are, you have been living in a cave, my friend
2.) I do these exercises as my staple warm-up and I love the look on the faces of people when I hit a 385 "a2g" squat or a 455 Deadlift like last week. Or an overhead squat of 185.
Like I said: even the bozos on Elite FTS have now jumped on the hip mobility band wagon. You'd be silly to pass up on the opportunity when most people who are aspiring to lift heav(ier) weights are adding these exercises to their arsenal.