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Thanks- i'll check it out
Squat 1RM Day
Squat- All ATG
245x1- PR
265x1- PR
275x0 (was almost detrimental... but i got it in the rack in time)
275x1 (+ Belt)- PR
1 legged SLDL
40 lb DB x 10 (per leg)- PR 5x10
40 lb DB x 10 (per leg)
40 lb DB x 10 (per leg)
40 lb DB x 10 (per leg)
40 lb DB x 10 (per leg)
Comments: Fuck yeah!!!! 265 wasn't hard.. i had a guy who squats 4+ plates and deadlifts 5+ plates, and he watched my form on 265 and up. I threw up 265 like it was my set of 225- was fucking on that shit. He said it was really good and that he couldn't pick out any mistakes. Even on 275 with no belt, he said that my form was good, but the bar was just wobbly. 275 is definitely a major milestone for me- real satisfied with today's session. 1 legged SLDLs are also killer on my hammies. One person walked by and his foot barely touched my leg, but i lost my balance completely.
Btw, i literally saw stars/butterflies or some fucked up shit after my first set of 275 that i missed. I honestly wanted to pass the fuck out.
Nice work man! Remember em said he would be hella pissed if you atg squatted 265+? Time to get pissed extra mile hahahahahhahahahahha!!!!!
Jdid you should start working the shit out of your bench and all upperbody to get that bench up...maybe bench once a week and floor presses another time?