These are also the same ppl who are overweight - but tell me how to eat ("Carrots will make you fat"), whine about their weight - but don't exercise AT ALL & assume I do so purely for vanity, & who never cease to comment on what I'm eating.
Gotta use that line someone posted, "How about you don't comment on my weight (or what I eat) & I won't comment on yours (or what you eat)."
A friend of mine was telling me the other day about this woman in her office who was giving her shit about what she eats and her comment was (said in a lovely southern accent)
"I almost jumped across the desk and slapped the shit out of her salad eatin' ass"
Troll - I understand, I used to be one of them. But what we are saying is that if you see someone has a particular type of physique perhaps one that you may want to obtain (please don't feel that I am singling you out, because I am not, nor do I claim that I now or have ever been the pinnacle of women's ideal physiques), then why does that person (the one NOT "in the know") insist on saying things that are contradictory to what "the living proof" is saying?
I would ask questions of and listen to the answers of the people who had physiques that inspired me. I didn't contradict them with nonsense stuff that had been engrained in my head, but only thought on some level that they had superior genetics or something of that like.... Until I just got plain sick and tired of busting my ass and not getting the results I wanted. So I gave it a whirl "thier way" figuring that I had nothing left to lose.
Sugar Free Jello Pudding the hyprocrasy and I thought that it was sugar I feel duped... drat I should have known better Maltodextrin??? I always questioned that..... k now what I would use that to blunt a craving at my special time of the month
Next you will try and tell me that drinking a diet Pepsi DOESN'T offset, and otherwise counteract, the calories from this Jumbo Snickers candy bar and bag of Giant M&M's!!!
We are trained to think that sugar free=fat free= kcal free so that we support the diet (food) industry. After all we 'need' the diet industry to keep us 'healthy'