all you lucky bastards. If I bench I don't sleep(rotator cuff pain is a bitch).
Close grip is all I do. 375 for 10 reps. I'm quiet and don't talk in the gym, but when folks see me do that they want to talk. Its to the point where most people that bench lets say 400-500 all show up on one day to bench, but not me. I don't even like to have people see what I'm working with because I know they are like "whats he on". So I usually go when its only a few people by the benches. Only one of my partners have seen me do it and he just shook his head and laughed. To be honest I haven't really tried to go up anymore. I started at 350 for 1 with close grips(7months ago, made it to 350 for 10 after my first cycle)) and feel this is enough of an increase for now, anymore and I'm asking to get hurt.. Maybe in the spring I will go for 400x 10, maybe not.
I will say this, when you really do get to that heavy weight you will spend alot more time NOT IN THE GYM. That shit puts major stress on your body, big fucking difference between 375 and 315. Used to get buy on 2 on 2 off now I need at least 8 days rest.
I know that aint alot weight in the louis westside club, but in my gym it is.