I was in a gym where a guy who probably weighted about 120, was benching 115, between a set was explaining to his "chatting partner" about his 600# leg presses, I told him flat out that was bullshit because thats what I repped with, and was twice his size. He shut up after that, hmm!
I was in a gym where a guy who probably weighted about 120, was benching 115, between a set was explaining to his "chatting partner" about his 600# leg presses, I told him flat out that was bullshit because thats what I repped with, and was twice his size. He shut up after that, hmm!
What is worse than the fools who lie about their BP, are those that actually think they are doing a BP right. You know the ones... that have their ass/lower back a foot off the bench, legs pinned to the ground, lower the bar maybe 6 inches down and back up. After about 4 reps of grunting, they take a big gasp of air, jump up, stick out their chest and look around to make sure someone watched them. What amazes me is that it is like some big accomplishment that they have just down 225 for 4 times(???). Yeah, a monday evening is a classic case.....you can always count on seeing this at least one time.
those are the only two words that come to mind, The next time anyone says they can bench 300 and they wiegh 150 wet, tell them to show you, that is unreal and youd like to see....then you will hear about 20 excuses.
Next ask them how much they squat!! then tell him to squat down and suck you dick....Lying idiots.
I'll believe it when I see it, he was probably 5'3" and 120 or so. Probably 80% of the guys in that particular gym were 18-20 years old, small, and of course believed that they were hot shit because they have been lifting for a month.
Go in there, do your shit, dont spend 3 hours telling everyone what a big strong motherfucker you think you are
For the record I'm not all that either, been lifting hard since may (comeback time), and bench ~330. When I see guys in there doing 6 inch leg presses, I want to see proof that there is a full range of motion from guys half my weight.