Zoomster said:" Recovery and elite muscle building genetics ARE THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IN PEOPLE. There are 400 pro bodybuilders in this world. Do you think they are all different? Ronnie Coleman is king of the hill because he has incredible recuperative abilities (hardcore training 6 days a week), incredible genetics and the willpower to lift backbreaking poundages routinely. Dorian Yates didnt have close to the recuperative ability of Coleman but found his niche as far as staying away from overtraining, had good genetics and the willpower to lift backbreaking poundages routinely." by DoggCrap
This is exactly what I have been saying. To make a statement that people that are not on DC's routine do not know how to train is ridiculous. That is how the thread was presented.
Now before you start assuming that I advocate this or that in a routine, you need to stop, as I have not anywhere throughout this thread discussed my philosophy of training.
My reaction is simply to the arrogance of the initial statement.
I will restate, if people like DoggCraps routine then good for them.
Don't tell me that it's a new concept and that if your not on it then you don't know what you are doing.
There are too many others achieving results differently.
I'm sorry, but you are completely and utterly missing the point. First of all, that is not "exactly what you were saying," his entire post was written as a counter to yours. Maybe you should read it again. When did I say that DC was the only way to train? I said that if your primary goal is to build muscle, DC and HST will allow you to do it at the fastest rate possible.
So what if different people get results on any other program? Does that mean they are optimized for strength or size? If you gained 5 lbs of muscle in a year, sure those are "results," but would you be happy? I'm simply relaying the fastest way we know of to build muscle. You can disagree with me. But you'd be wrong.