I remember it well, it was a Saturday morning in November of 1992, I was in 8th grade, the high school and middle school at the time were in the same building, and I walked into the weight room, and telling this story now I have to laugh, I was like "Holy Fuck!!!" When I saw kids benching with 135 on the bar, I thought putting a 45 on each end was some serious shit, then some of the upperclassmen were working out with 315 and I was floored......My very first weight training experience went as follows......Bench Press....Barx12, 75x10, 95x6, 115x3......The reason I stuck with it is because I was EXPECTING the older guys banging out 315 plus to make fun of me, kick my ass, etc, BUT they didn't, they encouraged me, helped me with form, a program etc, and made friends with me, if it weren't for that experience in November of '92, I probably wouldn't be where I am today......thats why I am willing to help and encourage anyone who is serious about training, because we all start somewhere...By the tim i was a SR in high school I was throwing around 315 on the bench for 6 reps, I was maxing out at 375, and whenever I finished my sets and some some scared looking 8th grader or heard some Freshman say to his buddy, What the fuck? We don't belong here, I would make a point to walk up to them, introduce myself (they already knew who I was, but it is the point), and I would help them with their workout.....One of those scared kids I helped out ended up playing D-Tackle at a BIG TIME college and he got drafted Saturday, It felt like he was my little brother, thats why I love these boards, everyone encourages everyone, no matter what....to this day if I see some lost kids not doing anything right at the gym, I introduce myself, and ask if they want a good program, because if nobody helped me out, I wouldn't have found my true passion.....WEIGHT TRAINING!!!