Ok, i promised you the story so here it is. It all started way back in the smmer between 6th and 7th grade year. That summer i met and incredibly beautiful and sweet girl named Cassie. She came down during the summer to visit her dad and one of my friends brought her over to introduce us. well, we hit off right away. After 2 weeks of some heavy making out (hey, i was only 12) she had to leave to go back to connecticut.
She returned the next year, except this time she had a b/f. Unfortunately, nothing between me and Cassie happened that summer so that really sucked. There was no way in hell a long distance thing was gonna happen since i lived in Louisiana and she lived up in Connecticut. Every year she would come down and i would see her. We would be together off on like that all the way up till my juior year in high school.
I met my ex (jenna) my freshman year and by half way through sophomore year we were together. However, 2 weeks later i moved form louisiana up to virginia. I would come and visit every 2 months or so. So, the summer between junior and senior year came and i decided i would come back down to good ol' Mandeville Louisiana to stay with my friends and my g/f. During that summer Cassie came down to visit and my g/f refused to let me see her. Being the pussywhipped little bitch i was at the time, i just tucked my balls inbetween my legs and walked away.
Well, senior year came and i moved back to my hometown of Mandeville Louisiana. This was wonderful, or so i thought, because me and my g/f could be together again after a 1.5 year long distance relationship. Things werent going to good so me and her broke up a week before my homecoming (which i would wind up going to alone).
During me and Jenna's little break Cassie came down to visit her dad for Thanksgiving. I told her that i moved back to LA and that i wanted to see her again. We made plans to meet up at her dads and we would go out and hang out together.
Well, the day finally came. I was excited and hoping we would hit it off. But i was so nervous b/c she hasnt seen me in forever. Turns out we hit it off instantly. It was like nothing ever changed for us. Those few days we spent together were awsome. But as with all things in life, that week came to an end and she returned to connecticut.
About a month later though she came back down to LA for Christmas. Needless to say we were together again. However, when she did leave, me and my Jenna got back together on New years. Unfortunately, jenna also cheated on me that night with some 24 year old white trash piece of shit from Virginia with 2 ids and an ex wife (jenna is only 17). This really pissed me off, however, i took her back.
Things were goin good for me and Jenna, but in the back of my mind i thought about cassie and how i felt for her. These feelings for cassie never did go away, i just hid them from myself. When spring break came, cassie visited her dad again and once again i went to visit. She was all over me, kissing me and everything, but i couldnt give in to my desires, after all, i had a g/f and i wasnt about to cheat on her with cassie. I rationalized this out b/c if i did cheat on her with cassie, then if me and cassie did get together in the futrure, then she would know it was a possibility i would cheat on her. So, i resisted the temptation for the rest of the week till cassie left to go back to Connecticut.
Now, here comes the pretty cool part. Cassie, decided to move to Baton Rouge for her junior year at LSU. Although i live in Mandeville, i will be moving to Baton rouge for my freshman year at LSU. Cassie still wanted me when she moved down and she told me that she was gonna wait for me and Jenna to break up, however, she hoped it was soon.
Turns out me and Jenna did break up after 2.5 years together. The next day (literally), she got all up on some 20 year old football player from McNeese (hes fat and feminine and not to mention, a kicker haha). This absolutely destroyed me. However, i figured it would be better for me and Jenna to be best friends rather than just go our seperate ways completely. About a week later, me and jenna got together and she gave me a blowjob and i went down on her (this is after she found out me and Cassie were dating). Well, about 2 days later i went up to LSU for freshman orientation. I went to cassie's apartment and me and her stayed up till 3 just talkin and kissing.
The next day (Friday) she came to Mandeville and we went out yet again. We started kissing and everything and talking once more. However, we talked about us. We had a loooong conversation in which finally me and Cassie found up being together! As in b/f and g/f type shit. This was completely exilerating. After all, here is this girl i have been knowing and liking since 6th grade and thinkin the whole time that nothing else was gonna happen b/c of the distance between us.
Now me and Cassie are together. Its so weird having a g/f who is not Jenna. But im glad b/c Jenna really treated me like shit. And being the person i was, i continuied to take it while lookin for a way to improve our relationship while she destroyed it. Last night Jenna found out me and Cassie are b/f and g/f. Needless to say she fuckin flipped. If ya wanna know more about that, then ask, but by now im sure your bored off your ass so im gonna hurry up and end it.
The point is, some things are meant to happen in your life time. Fate will only take you so far, but it is up to you to act upon it. Its a hard situation your in, but you should also remember that the grass isnt always greener on the other side. Just make sure you take a longer look at your feelings before you act upon them. Make sure what your feeling for this girl is not just lust and make sure that you dont have feelings for your girl. Otherwise, you might just jump ship and then you will be wondering "Well, what if i stayed with my ex." Just do what your heart is telling you but dont confuse love for lust and dont trade one for the other. Never thought an 18 year old kid could think like that, huh?
P.S. Good luck with the choice you make, hopefully it will be the right one.
Karma is welcome for this long and entertaining story, especially since i dont have any...