sk* said:
Nelson <thinking>: Hmm, what can I come up with today?
Nelson <thinking>: Let's see, one time I heard that eating a cat will give you better protein than eating a cow.
Nelson <posting on elite>: I can't believe this shit, you fools eat cow when you can actually be eating a cat. (Goes on for ten minutes how everyone is stupid and can't believe how foolish they are for eating cow meat)
Nelson <continues yelling on elite>: Cow meat does nothing for you fools, you are all stupid.
Mods and most members: What the hell are you talking about? We all grew eating cow.
Some kid from unestablished country with 2posts: In my country we eat cat, and I grow big.
Nelson <replying to the mods and members>: You people are stupid, you eat something and you don't know why it is working.
Nelson <replying to the mods and members>: Continues to compliment the foreign kid for eating cat, and then goes on to say that he didn't mean cow meat does NOTHING only that it isn't as good as cat.
<Mods and members get angry>
Nelson: I have 1000s of published articles and I have worked with athletes and fat housewives with kids.
Nelson: (somehow manages to insult the people that disagreed with him)
Members: (insult back)
Foreign kid: I love Nelson.
Nelson to foreign kid: I love you too.
<Thread Locked!>
That's funny! Now allow me to give my version.
Nelson: Don't do aerobics.
EF member: What do you mean? That goes against everything I heard. You're a moron.
Two months later.
EF member. Hey, you know...since I stopped doing aerobics my muscle are fuller, my strength is up and I haven't put on any fat.
Nelson: When you eat has almost no bearing on how you look.
EF member. Everybody knows that nutrient timing is the most important aspect of bodybuilding. You're just being controversial.
Two months later.
EF member I went on vaction and couldn't follow my nutrient timing at all. It made no difference. I say to everyone that timing isn't that important.
Other EF members. You may be right. Karma to you.
Nelson: Short cycles are the way to go because they're less suppressive and you can not hold on to massive gains anyway.
EF member: You're an idiot. I gained 180 pounds on my first cycle and kept it.
Two months later.
EF member. I'm 25 aand my T level is 62. How do I go about getting HRT?
Nelson: Clomid blows.
EF member: Every study in the world disagrees with you.
Two months later.
EF member: I've been on 100 mgs of Clomid for a month, I still have no dick, and I want my mommy!
Nelson: Do my calve routine and you'll only need to train calves 4 minuts a week.
EF member: LOL! Yeah, I can imagine Ron Coleman training calves only 4 minutes a week. What a tool!
Two months later.
EF member. I did this calve routine I saw posted on another message board and I can hardly walk. Kudos to the guy who cut and pasted it.
Nelson: Using avena sativa will raise free testosterone.
EF member. Sure, supps suck. You said it yourself, now you're changing your mind.
Two months later.
Hey, I tried avena sativa and I have wicked morning wood for the first time in years. Has anyone else heard of this?!
Nelson: You can get it at
EF member. Spammer!!!
Nelson: If you use DNP you're a fool.
EF Mod. You haven't the slightest bit of knowledge about chemstry. You're a joke. Go home.
Two months later.
EF: I'd like to send out special condolances to a fallen bro. ******, a Mod here at Elite Fitness has died of a sudden heart attack. It was not related to drugs though.
And so it goes.