I think that the power matrix can teach you the basics, but that is about it. There may come a point in time when you wish to progress beyond the level of a beginner.
ErickTG good luck on your training bro one thing I'ma tell you that you might have read on one of my earlier posts is don't get upset after you max out on westside although it looks like your bench didn't go up that much look at the rest of your lifts then look at ur pause. My pause went up as much as my touch n go bench went up and I think that's the shit.
You NEVER run with the sled. There are a few great articles on www.elitefts.com on sled dragging. One is GPP by Bob Youngs and the other is Drag Your But inot Shape by Dave Tate.Check it out, these will answer all your sled questions.
Cubanito17: thanks for the encouragement! Don't worry about me though. What you did in 6 weeks 150 pounds gain, I couldn't do half that in a year training the old fashioned way (BB)
I started out, I think a year ago with 60 or 65 pounds on the bar, and hit a wall in around May '01. So since May, I haven't gained anything on my bench until Friday when I started wside and became significantl stronger